Mahi Pai - Kete Matauranga
The Mahi pai kete matauranga te reo Maori learning programme is a well-tested model, proven to be an innovative and highly successful learning tool for both early years and primary school aged tamariki.
Mahi pai teaches New Zealand sign language and incorporates strategies that accelerate language acquisition such as; left right brain activity using NZ sign, kapa haka waiata-a-ringa and dance movement. The teaching methodology uses all of the different learning styles and accommodates to all the different intelligences; Auditory (music smart), Visual spatial (picture smart), Verbal linguistic (word smart), Logical mathematical (logic smart), Physical kinesthetic (body smart), Social interpersonal (people smart), Solitary intrapersonal (self smart), Naturalistic (nature smart).

The Mahi pai programme has been guided by experts in te ao Maori, te reo Maori, Child Neurology, Education, Health, Mental health, Child Phycology, Human and Child development, Deaf community, Blind community and leaders in Whaikaha communities especially whanau that work with tamariki Takiwatanga. Autistic and deaf tamariki resonate well with Mahi pai learning strategies that normailse NZSL, promote inclusivity and diversity of all cultures, all styles of learners and all tamariki in Aotearoa. The characters hold strong values and morals that send influential messages of whakamana! Ihi the youngest taniwha is a high energy, explorer that uses all sorts of creative strategies to learn and Matua te moa teaches heritage and history in fun ways that tamariki can relate to.

The success rates of the Mahi pai kete maturanga have been compelling! See our testimonies for some great stories from kaiako and akonga.
In addition to having this amazing resource available to your learning environment once you have learnt all 10 kaupapa the taniwha will come to your school and celebrate your success with a spectacular live show!! See some amazing footage of shows on our events page!
Follow the link below to sign your school up for the introductory PLD, Kete matauranga and learning resource, teaching and learning digital resource APP and the kete matauranga classroom hard packs.
The Mahi Pai kete matauranga consists of 10 kaupapa
Each kaupapa consists of the following;
- Teaching support APP with E-books
- Waiata video clip
- Karioke tutorial
- Reo tutorial
- Dance tutorial
- Ukelele tutorial
- NZ sign language tutorial
Kete Rauemi:
- Pukapuka for each kaupapa, available in bi-linbgual and te reo Maori level 1 and 2
- Flash cards
- Work books
- Coloring and activity books
- Charts
- Board games
- Certificates
- Posters
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Ngā Marama o te Tau
Ngā Wāhanga o te Tau
Ngā Āhua o te Rangi
Ngā Āhua
Ngā Waka
Ngā Tamariki o Tangaroa
Nga Aorangi
Ngā Aronga