Kia ora, ko Kamaka ahau. He kaiārahi ahau. I always make good decisions so that I can be a good leader. He rangatira ki te haka - my biggest passion is performing the haka. Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui. I am confident, strong, brave, and respectful towards myself and others. I try my best at everything that I do and I encourage my friends and whānau to believe in themselves and use their strengths too. For me to be confident I always try new things and challenge myself to grow. Having a strong mind requires lots of positive self-talk. I believe that whatever I set my mind to I can achieve and so can you! Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!

Kia ora, ko Kori ahau. Toa ahau ki te whakapakari tinana. I love all kinds of sports that get my body moving! I love a good challenge! I train hard, try hard and play hard but most importantly I always have lots of fun! My favourite things to do are to play rugby, basketball, and train at the gym!
Tino reka te kai hauora ki ahau. I also love to drink lots of wai Māori as it's so good for my body! I really enjoy talking to tamariki about making good choices about what they put inside their body. I love encouraging tamariki to take care of themselves by moving their body and eating healthy kai! I always advocate for tamariki to try new things and to try their best at everything they do! Mauri ora!

Kia ora, ko Ihi ahau. I am the youngest brother taniwha, the pōtiki o te whānau. I have so much energy - I love lots of high vibes! I love to follow my intuition and go off on my own adventures, I am a creative thinker because I always think outside the box. People always tell me I have a big imagination! I have special superpowers and I love learning about my abilities every day! I am super enthusiastic and extra charming! I always tell tamariki that it's ok to be different and unique, and don't be afraid to have your own ideas. I often go looking for adventures. I love skateboarding, rugby league, surfing, and playing cool DJ music! Taukiri e!

Kia ora, ko Waiata ahau. I love expressing myself through creativity. I am proud of who I am! I am me, I am unique, and I love to show people how talented I am! My favourite ways to express myself are by singing, playing musical instruments, and dancing. I encourage tamariki to be confident within themselves and not be shy or nervous about using their special gifts and talents. I love performing kapa haka, especially the poi and dressing up in my traditional costume. Believe in yourselves tamariki mā! Let your light shine, you are a star! Karawhiua!

Kia ora, ko aroha ahau. I believe love is the highest energy and that love can solve any problem. With love in our hearts we can achieve anything! I love to encourage tamariki to be kind and caring, and to be a loving friend and whānau member. I love to do special things for people. I always treat people with respect, just the way I love to be treated. My favorite things to do are play with my friends, read, and learn new things, I love pets, butterflies, and surprises! Aroha atu, aroha mai!

Kia ora, ko Kaitiaki ahau. I am the eldest sister of the Mahi Pai whānau, the mataamua o te whānau. I love looking after everyone by cooking yummy, healthy kai, and especially baking delicious cookies! Most of all, I love to protect our precious and beautiful environment - the waterways, te moana, te awa, ngā manga wai, and the whenua. I am also very passionate about revitalising te reo Māori and preserving our traditional taonga. I teach tamariki how to look after the environment and discover new ways to reduce climate change. Awhi atu, awhi mai!

Matua te Moa
Kia ora, ko Matua te moa ahau. I am the kaumātua o te whānau, I am an old but so very wise and knowledgeable kaumātua. You will always see me with my reading glasses and holding my tokotoko. I live in a big kauri tree that is also a magical library full of pukapuka and amazing pūrākau. Many traditions are passed down from kaumātua and tupuna - this is called "Ngā tāonga tuku iho". I love to share my knowledge of tikanga, good morals, and values that have been passed down many generations. I especially enjoy talking to tamariki about the unique traditions, history, and heritage of Aotearoa. No na te ao, tamariki mā!

Whaea Ruru Belle
Kia ora, ko whaea Ruru Belle ahau. I am a dream weaver. I am a patupaiarehe from the magical world. I love to make magical wishes with tamariki. I teach tamariki to use the magic inside them to harness positive energy and use affirmations to manifest their dreams. Anything you can perceive you can receive, and anything you believe you can achieve! Your mind is the most powerful computer you will ever have and it can program anything into your real life! May all your dreams come true tamariki mā! Ki a tutuki pai o koutou wawata me o koutou moemoeā!